Cedric Ahenkorah

Software Engineer

Hi, i'm a software engineer with a year and a half experience building backend systems, frontend and mobile applications for growing companies. Currently working with JavaScript/TypeScript and PHP, I'm keenly interested in software design and architecture. My domain expertise lies in fintech and SaaS startups. An avid reader, and plan to delve into writing soon.

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  • AutoCedi

    A user friendly application that automates payments using Ghana’s Central Bank Digital Currency(CBDC) - eCedi. Bank of Ghana eCedi Hackathon top 10 finalist.

    Github repo

  • CsvToJson

    A web application that converts csv files to JSON.

    Github repo

  • URL Shortener

    A php web application that allows users to shorten long form URL’s.

    Github repo

  • TakeNotes

    A web application that allows users to create and save notes

    Github repo

  • URL Leads Tracker

    A google chrome extension to save URL tags from web pages

    Github repo